📄️ Save Donor
The Save Donor API is used to create or update donor records in the Donary system. It requires information about the donor, including personal details, contact information, and addresses. If a DonorID is provided, the existing donor record will be updated; otherwise, a new donor record will be created. When updating a donor, the system will only modify the values provided in the request. Any fields that are not included in the request will retain their existing values.
📄️ Save Campaign
The Save Campaign API allows external systems to create or update campaign records in the Donary system. If a CampaignNumber is provided, the existing campaign record will be updated; otherwise, a new campaign will be created.
📄️ Save Reason
The Save Reason API is used to create or update reason details within the Donary system. By utilizing this endpoint, external systems can seamlessly create new reasons or update existing ones by providing the ReasonNumber of the record that needs to be updated.
📄️ Save Collector
The Save Collector API enables external systems to manage collector details within the Donary system efficiently. Organizations can create new collectors or update existing records by providing the CollectorId.